Thursday, January 8, 2015

Run copyFromLocal command by using Oozie

1. If we use multinode cluster then we are unable to run copyFromLocal command by using Oozie.
Because the sorurce path is not available in the datanode where the task runs.
or else we need to copy the files into all the datnodes this will take too much space in each and every datanode.

2. By using Java Action we need to copy the file from local server to HDFS

3. ssh commands will connect to the server directly and after wards run the commands. Oozie supports passwordless authentication in ssh action.

4. sshpass or scp by using password
sudo apt-get install sshpass
sshpass -p '<password>' <ssh/scp command>

5. If we want to connect with password by using ssh action in oozie we can use expect and send commands:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh root@myhost
expect -exact "root@myhost's password: "
send -- "mypassword\r"

Error: copyFromLocal: `/home/workspace/': No such file or directory
Failing Oozie Launcher, Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.ShellMain], exit code [1]


  1. Hi Srawanthi,
    It is understood that while in a multinode cluster it is not logical to use copyFromLocal however i am failing to get this work on a single node pseudo distributed mode in CDH 4.8.3. I get the same message.
